Children's Program ACM / Brasilia

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Aiming to meet the needs of modern life ACM offers you and your family Monitoring School, a service that has great structure, teaching staff attentive to aid in school work, and offer several options for physical activities for your child !


The Children's Program welcomes children 3-11 years in morning and afternoon shifts, with professionals who will assist them in accomplishing tasks school and can practice various activities * our timetable: swimming, soccer, volleyball, basketball, ballet, jazz and judo.


Ages: 3-11 years.
Modalities offered Sports: Judo, Ballet, Jazz, Futsal, Volleyball, Basketball and Swimming. (Check age range of modalities)
Morning: 8am to 12pm.
Afternoon: 14h to 18h.


Look for the Secretariat of the ACM and learn!





This is another option for you to be part of the family acemista and complement the daily activities of your child.


In the schooling offered is the ideal space for children to do their homework, and physical activity with the excellent professional.


Ages: 7-11 years.
Modalities offered Sports: Judo, Ballet, Jazz, Futsal, Volleyball, Basketball and Swimming.
Morning: 8am to 12pm.
Afternoon: 14h to 18h.

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