ACM is present at the Turn Sports
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It happened this weekend, the first upset Sport, organized by the Municipal Sports Recreation in São Paulo. Inspired by the three (3) editions of the Cultural Turn, the start of the event was given at 14 am Saturday at the Youth Park, former Carandiru prison, north of the capital.


The godfather of upset was the athlete of the century Pelé, who beside the mayor Gilberto Kassab, the governor José Serra, the sports minister Orlando Silva and Secretary Sports and creator of the event, Walter Feldman, kicked off of sports activities . There were 24 hours of programming with over 400 activities, spread over all the regions of the city.


The intention of the organizers was that the population practicing any activity, at least for a few minutes a day, and there were many options for those interested. There were classes in judo, dance, recreation activities, beach sports, activities for the Bohemians (card games, football soccer, chess ...), as well as less popular as rugby competitions and badminton, as well as evidence canoagens and sailing.


"Flywheel Sports is not an endurance event. We want residents and visitors are encouraged to practice for at least 30 minutes, activities and understand the importance of it for their day-to-day and his life, "said Municipal Secretary of Sports, Leisure and Recreation, Walter Feldman.


The YMCA, as could not be otherwise, that attended sporting marathon. Besides being one of the partners of the event, gave some of his athletes ACM Lapa for activities such as soccer and volleyball at the City Club Pelezão.


The YMCA of St. Paul congratulates the organizers of the Sports Turn initiative and hopes to participate in future events like this, to come up against acemista motto, in which the balance between body, soul and mind through physical activities, always in first.


By João Paulo Amorim

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