Rights of Children and Adolescents
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Like any citizen, children and teenagers have their rights and in this case, are contained in the Statute of the Child and Adolescent (ECA), provided by law number 8069, enacted in 1990 by the then president of the republic Fernando Collor de Melo. To begin, it is considered child, according to that law, the person until the age of twelve incomplete, and that teenagers between twelve and eighteen years of age.


The ECA has 267 (two hundred sixty-seven) items, only a few paragraphs, in which are detailed the numerous rights of children and adolescents in different spheres of activity (health, family, education, leisure ...), being that non-compliance of the same may result in severe punishments given by Brazilian courts, a fact that on many occasions not.


Let us quote some examples to better understand what it is about the Statute of Children and Adolescents. Right to life and health, article seven, is the most important item, which speaks as follows: Children and adolescents have the right to protection of life and health, through the execution of public social policies that allow the birth and healthy development and harmonious, in a dignified existence.


In the Right to Freedom, the Respect and Dignity, we can highlight: Go, come and remaining in public and community spaces except legal restrictions, opinion and expression, belief and religious worship, play, play sports and have fun, participate of family and community life without discrimination, participate in political life, in the form of law; refuge, help and guidance, among others.


Unfortunately we experience situations in practice, these and other rights provided by law, are not met. How many children and adolescents living on the street drift? How many children suffer maltreatment? How many children are put in the world just to ask for alms and "guarantee" thus the livelihood of an entire family? So that you witness any act that go to reverse the law, report.

To check the Statute of Children and Adolescents in full access:


By João Paulo Amorim

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