Violence Child: "The cowardice of cowardice"
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Since 1990, we have the Child and Adolescent (ECA), which aims to guarantee the right of children and adolescents to miniNAS conditions, such as health, food, education, finally, without any exploitation, violence or cruelty.


But we live with situations that go against the precepts of this Federal Law. Unfortunately many cases rooted in socio-economic conditions of the country, such as the high concentration of income this ridiculously in our nation. Another example, infant mortality is one of the transgressors of the ECA.


Seconds UN data, in 2002, in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, 1000 babies, 25 die before reaching one year, not to ignore that the UN considers the Rio Grande do Sul as the "best state in quality life "of Brazil.


The numbers have decreased over the past, but still falls far short of a country that aspires to become developed. Another major problem, which is also related to the economic status of our country is child labor.


Many children are forced to work (mainly in rural areas), prematurely, to ensure more income for their families, and in fact, they should be playing, studying, or performing activities consistent with their age.


In São Paulo, it is difficult to find a light that does not have at least one child begging.


Is aggravated when we find not infrequently physical violence in fact, with the aggravation of sexual abuse, often perpetrated by their own parents. Anyway, any violent act, whether physical or psychological, especially against children and adolescents, can be considered a great cowardice. Even so, that you witness any kind of attitude, do not be silent, report, because the statute is there to be done. Let us make use of this right by us, for our children and for a more equal and fair country.


By João Paulo Amorim - Volunteer

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