Journey for Peace

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There was in Madrid, the 20th to April 26th, the Journey for Peace, organized by YMCA España and developed by its Secretary General, Juan Simoes, as well as the President of Malta YMCA, Tom Cusens and General Secretary of YMCA Netherlands, Cees Bremmer . This event was attended by 18 youth representing their respective ACM, located in Europe, America and Middle East. The central theme of the Day was provided Integrating Diversity therefore all workshops were based on it.


Therefore, each leader had the opportunity to present their country and especially the activities in your Association so that everyone could know the different programs by which the YMCA responsibility around the world. In addition, we dedicate an entire afternoon to exchange experience between us about the socio-economic and political of our nations. That way, everyone could expose the main conflict or issue under discussion in your country and tell how the young acemistas or the Association itself has been acting about it.


Finally, redatamos a statement about the meeting, which has some recommendations and proposals to the YMCA, especially the youth leadership, as well as for the next Days. They all turned to peace in our communities, in our country and the world.


Leticia Vaccaro

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