Opening Jabs 2009
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On the night of July 25, the Municipal Gymnasium Osmar Fortes Barcellos (earwig), held the opening ceremony of the 36th edition of the Games Acemistas Brazilians, which was attended by the president of the Brazilian Federation of YMCAs, Mr. José Antonio Figueiredo Antiório , President of the Latin American Alliance of YMCAs and Caribbean, Mr. Leopoldo Lima, the acting mayor, Mr. José Fortunati; executive program of the Division of general ACM São Paulo, Marco Antonio Olivatto, the secretary-General RS ACM, Professor Zolair Trindade de Oliveira, the chairman of the Sports Unit, Mr. Kappel Clovis and Unit coordinator, José Ricardo Caporal Calza.


The parade of the participating delegations included the presence of ACM Rio de Janeiro Center and Governor's Island, ACM Sorocaba, ACM Brasilia, Sao Paulo ACM: Holy Osasco, Lapa, Metropolitan, Northern and Central Guarulhos ACM and Rio Grande do Sul, the special participation of a group of participants of the Global Teens program, ACM New York.


To see the photos of this great event please visit our photo album.

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