ENALI 2010 - São Paulo

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In Enali next year will be the topic discussed education.


The big question raised by young people in the previous meeting and that will guide the future activities of the issue is: "Education solves everything right?". From this point of view, the intention is to explore some concepts of education and discuss how it can be transformative enough to solve the country's social problems and youth.


As a sub-theme was appointed Homosexuality, theme usually controversial and arouses many passions.


The organization will address the understanding of the concepts and present diverse perspectives related to the theme of education. The aim is to promote presentations with different segments of society.


The National Meeting of Leaders 2010 has a proposal to make the youth think about the issues in a simple way that can develop points of view with independence and responsibility.


In the event all ACMs participants should develop activities up to 1 hour to highlight the importance of education. The theme is "revolution in education"


Young people will be invited to develop any kind of activity, from preparing a lecture, documentary, recreation, theater, group dynamics, a combination of all the previous items etc.. The intention is to collaborate with the deepening of the theme of education and dedicate space for young people themselves have the opportunity to lead the process of knowledge construction.


In a second step, the youth must present in at most 20 minutes work to develop in their local movements. The suggestion is to focus on the activities carried out as a way to call attention to practices that inspire young people to improve, change or refine local jobs.


Those interested in participating must complete an application form which will be available on the website of the ACM São Paulo ( on 05/01/2010 until 10/01/2009.


For more detailed information, interested parties should contact the Department of Youth ACM São Paulo by phone: 55 11 3138-3000.

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