1st Meeting of the Presiding Officers 2010
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Took place at ACM São Paulo on May 17, 2010, the 1st Meeting of the Presiding Officers 2010. The meeting was attended by the lords Jairo Renato walks of Castillos France, President of the Brazilian Federation of YMCAs; Mauricio Enrique Díaz Vandorsee, Secretary General of the Brazilian Federation of YMCAs; Minoru Roberto Kobayashi, 1st Vice-President of the Brazilian Federation of YMCAs; Benemar France, Treasurer of the Brazilian Federation of YMCAs; ACM Rio Grande do Sul: Zolair Trindade, Secretary General; ACM São Paulo: Marísia Donatelli, Secretary General; ACM Sorocaba: Mantovani Cirino Jr., Secretary General; ACM Brasilia: Antônio Márcio Ribeiro, Secretary General and José Antônio Figueiredo Antiório, Treasurer of the Alliance Latin American of YMCAs and its course were discussed matters pertaining to the Seminar General Secretaries, occurred from days 27 to 29 April 2010, the 1st Annual General Meeting of the Alliance Latin American of YMCAs occurred on April 30, 2010, the 17th World Council in Hong Kong that will happen in the month of July, on the Elections of CNAS and the situation of the ACM Itapeva. This meeting was important to promote integration on these issues of great importance to the Brazilian Federation among the members of the board policy.
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