The Origin of Basketball

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The sport was invented during the winter of 1891 in Massachusetts by a teacher from Springfield College, International College of the YMCA (ACM). At the request of the school principal, the teacher was Canadian James Naismith to invent a sport that was not violent, could be practiced in a closed in winter and open in summer. To avoid clashes between students, Naismith thought of something that was played collectively and hands occupied.


The object would be the ball. The goal should be to gain points and that the "target" would be difficult to achieve. Then thought that instead of girders, such as hockey and football, something he would use in the air. Imagined two peach baskets hung at a height greater than that of players where no player's defense be able to stop the ball that was thrown at the target. James Naismith wrote 13 rules for the game. Called school students to explain the instructions and make a match. Eighteen students attended and Eugene Libby and Duncan Patton were named captains for the first team in the history of basketball.


The sport spread to schools in the United States and in 1904, during the Olympics in Saint Louis, he was introduced to the world. But only 32 years after it was accepted by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) as an Olympic sport. Currently, the sport is practiced by over 300 million people worldwide and 170 countries are affiliated to the International Basketball Federation (FIBA).

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