Cemetery John XXIII

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On Sunday May 8, 2011, family members and friends who attended the cemetery to pay their respects poderam monitor Musical Soiree Terna Saudade, with musicians Silvana Prunes - vocals, Alexandre Rodrigues - bass and vocals, Dionara Schneider - piano, Paul MacLaren - percussion, and special guest singer Maria Helena Andrade.

Soon after came the Ecumenical Celebration "In Memoriam", besides being destribuição rose during attractions.

The John XXIII Ecumenical Cemetery - owned by the YMCA of Rio Grande do Sul (RS-ACM), an institution that introduced the Mother's Day in Brazil in 1918 - is located at Av Natal, No. 60, Mediatrix neighborhood , Porto Alegre. The cemetery has 36,480 graves and 3,254 niches, distributed in eight blocks with six floors each. Altogether there are more than 63,904 graves.
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