Valentine's Day

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In Brazil, the date is celebrated on June 12th for being the eve of June 13 - Day of Saint Anthony, Saint with Portuguese tradition of marriage.


The date probably emerged in São Paulo trade when the publicist John Doria brought the idea of the exterior and presented to merchants. The idea expanded by Brazil, supported by the correlation with the Day of San Valentin - Valentine's Day, which in the northern hemisphere occurs on February 14 and is used to encourage the exchange of gifts, cards, chocolates and flowers between lovers.

Maecenas ut ipsum in velit egestas tempor. Donec pellentesque, orci ut ornare ullamcorper, lectus eros elementum tellus, eu congue enim lectus sit amet massa. Nunc ut justo in quam congue lacinia. Sed a lectus turpis, quis fringilla augue. Phasellus nec felis et nisl eleifend tincidunt ac vel dui. Ut ac dolor ac erat cursus auctor. Maecenas vitae sapien dui. Sed ut lacus ipsum, vitae tempus mauris. Morbi semper ullamcorper ullamcorper. In eu nunc vitae enim luctus bibendum.
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