Donors and Investors

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The objectives of Commendation ACM-RS were presented on the morning of Thursday, June 16, the members of the institution that already collaborate with the donation of funds during a meeting held at the Cultural Center of the YMCA Sports Center. The Commandery ACM-RS is a form of recognition to people who invest and contribute to the transformation of our society through financial support to the work of the YMCA in Rio Grande do Sul More than identifying donors, the distinction is part a process of transparency and feedback to donors.

"The donation involves motivation. We have to show that it is a way to give sustainability to what makes a difference in people's lives, "said the Secretary-General of the ACM-RS, Zolair Trinity. The Marketing and Communications Coordinator Diego Volkart added that ACM is not an institution guided by profit rather work with a much larger asset, which is people. Currently, more than 40 thousand people has a direct relationship with the institution, not only for sports but also for education and social development projects.

For associated Cheila Bartolomé Martins, and love of neighbor, transparency is the leading donors to contribute. "From the moment you see the table of a child in school, what is being done for her, it is impossible not to feel happy to donate. Therefore it is important to know where the resources are employed. We need the community to see it, understand the philosophy of love of ACM and added value that a financial contribution of this type has, "he said.

Already associated Elio Edegar told that the act of giving is already inherent in your family. "Even having a poor background, we never went hungry, but difficulties. But we do not stop to help others. Today, I am in a position where I can contribute more. A campaign like this gives us greater strength to spread and bring others to the cause, "he said. "We are multipliers and our goal is to do more with the ACM to be seen for his work seriously and can form a society a little more participatory," he said.

The president of ACM-RS Roco Rímolo Antonio Cosenza, commented that the main idea is to motivate the Commendation multipliers to develop a new behavior. "I do not want to induce them to welfare, that is not the mission of the ACM. I want to encourage them to become social mobilizers. States have strengthened and condition to do much more. Being a social investor is much more than donate. Is being a soldier who seeks a cast of people willing to do the same. "

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