volunteering Possible
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Volunteering Possible (Tuesday, July 5, 2011)

In this program, the youth can participate in volunteer activities without establishing a bond extensive time, which allows a better adaptation activities and time setting available, for example, invite you to be supportive in sports competitions, fundraising campaigns or parties.

Volunteering eventual aims to awaken in young people the spirit of leadership and encourage youth leadership, so that he will take over commitment to a particular task or work on pre


Purpose of the Volunteer Program Possible:

Foster youth leadership, the spirit of leadership and support the activities of ACM São Paulo.

General Information - Voluntary Possible

Recommended Age: 15-30 years.
Restrictive Factor: no
Registration: directly responsible professional
Price: Free
Location: units of ACM São Paulo - Other Organizations
Date: year round
Vacancies: there is no limit

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