CampusACM Festival brings together 500 young people in São Paulo
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Day 17 March 2007 the Festival happened CampusACM premises of the YMCA center in Sao Paulo.


The event brought together young people from all parts of the metropolitan region of São Paulo and the State for a day full of activities such as recreation, sports, music, lectures and much learning.


On schedule to happen Youth Fair where youth organization or focusing on youth presented their work. The fair was attended by the Youth Coordinator of the Municipality of São Paulo, representatives Rotaracts, Fellows aliens and more.


The music filled the space where the group Maracatu ACM Jabalpur performed and met the participants of the event in a large collective dance. Rock and Pop were also featured on the national stage.


CampusACM is the new name of the area's youth ACM São Paulo which develops programs and events for young people 15-30 years of age.

The three strategic objectives CampusACM are: Leadership Development, Character and Skill Coexistence.


For more information

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