YMCA Europe 2008

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The second edition of YMCA Europe is now to begin, between days 3 and August 9, 2008, in Prague, the Czech capital.


The event that happened five years ago in the same place, with young people around the world in days of great entertainment, cultural and sports exchanges.


Promoted by the European Alliance of YMCAs, the event has some major goals, seconded by the organizers as well: Celebrating the Christian spirit of the ACM, growth and strengthening of our association and diversity; acemista strengthen the movement in local and national levels, the exchange of experiments with thousands of ACM Europe, discover the beautiful city of Prague, among others.


The event will feature various activities, including music, sports, lectures, competitions, exhibitions, and the member will be free to decide what they will do without commitment schedules and attendance at any given meeting.


And the ACM Brazil was not out of this, approximately 30 youth and 3 profissonais will participate in this great event.


The Brazilian Federation of YMCAs wishes everyone a safe journey and a great YMCA Europe 2008.

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