Within the framework of the World Social Forum Youth organizations per

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In the land where they dance and eat acai Carimbó with tapioca flour, juice drinks Tapereba and produces ceramic Marajoara, Bethlehem is considered by many the gateway to the Amazon. In the context of the World Social Forum, young people from various ecumenical organizations organized the Ecumenical Youth (Ecumenical Youth Encuentro, acronym in Spanish), held in Belém between days 25 and 26, in anticipation of the World Social Forum. The event that happened in the Anglican Church had two central themes 'Faith and Politics' and 'Youth Violence and Human Rights'.

The initiative of the meeting was the result of the dialogue between the Universal Federation of Student Christian Movements (WSCF, English acronym), YMCA (YMCA, Alliance Latin America and Caribbean), Ministry of Youth Latin American Council of Churches (CLAI) , Youth Program in Mission Council of Evangelical Methodist Churches of Latin America and the Caribbean (CIEMAL), World Council of Churches (WCC) and the Alliance of Presbyterian and Reformed Churches in Latin America and the Caribbean (AIPRAL).


On Sunday (25), the meeting began with the Faith and Politics Workshop, attended by the former Environment Minister and current Senator Marina Silva, who is the Assembly of God Church. On the table was also present Chilean theologian, Juan Navarrete, the Catholic organization Amerindian, and representatives of the Ministry of Youth clai, who coordinated the moment.


The aim of the workshop was to provide a space for collective reflection and exchange on practices related to the binomial-faith policy, provide tools for biblical-theological reflection and promote advocacy strategies and public policy. On occasion, Senator Marina congratulated the youth initiative and said that the church should a message for everyone. During the meeting it biblically grounded Christian citizen participation and talked about his career in politics.


On Monday, 26, executive director of the Institute of Religious Studies (ISER), Peter Strozenberg brought the landscape of public policies for youth in Brazil and data on violence in several Latin American countries. With the exposure of Strozenberg was possible to have elements to understand trafficking, the militia and the distinction between violence and the perception of danger. "There is a difference between the data of the violence and the perception of danger," he says. In Rio de Janeiro, 20% of the population live in 824 slums, representing 1.3 million people. And armed violence is the main factor in the death of young people in Brazil. "Violence is not the cause, but the absence of political education, work, etc.."


During the afternoon the participants shared their work schedules and profile of each organization to provide joint. Youth of Armenia and India invited by the World Council of Churches also dialogued about the work they do in their respective countries.


The meeting was attended by approximately 50 participants from the following countries: Armenia, Bolivia, Brazil, India, Switzerland, Uruguay, Puerto Rico, Chile, Colombia, Canada and the churches of Bethlehem

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