Founded the University of ACM Germany

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After a few years of planning and preparation, and a long process of accreditation, ACM Germany announced the founding of the YMCA International University of Applied Sciences (Hochschule-CVJM) in Kassel, Germany.


The Path to the University YMCA began in 1991, when the advances of education offered in Kolleg CVJM academic higher education emerged.


In the following years, there were many obstacles to overcome. However, on March 27, 2009, Hochschule CVJM was officially founded and with great ceremony.


The founding ceremony was a unique event in the history of the YMCA of Germany, more than 200 guests, including the Minister of Science, President of the World Alliance of YMCAs - Martin Meissner who welcomed on behalf of the organization and the representative of ACM India - Solomon Benjamin, who congratulated the Hochschule CVJM on behalf of the International Coalition of YMCA Universities.


To learn more about the university click the link below:

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